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"Attachment Sense: The Sensory Side of Attachment" Workshops presented by a

Children's Occupational Therapist & Adopter

"DIY Life Story Books"

Workshops presented by an Adopter

Practical and empowering workshops on the sensory side of attachment for

Adopters, Special Guardians, Foster Carers and Professionals to support

your understanding of your own and your children's sensory regulation needs.

The workshop provides a range of practical sensory information,

resources and ideas for all ages. 

"Do It Yourself Life Story Books" workshops to help you to develop

your children's Life Story Books that honour their lives and give you a powerful tool

to support understanding of their journeys to their forever homes. 

Boy climbing tree - Jen Theodore Eventbr
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Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

All About AdaptObiliTy

As a Children’s Occupational Therapist (OT), AdaptObiliTy's own journey to becoming an adoptive parent has developed a special interest in the sensory side of attachment and developmental traumas (backgrounds of abuse, neglect, trauma and loss).

A number of OTs and other professionals have been recognising and strengthening the

links between the sensory systems, attachment and behaviour.

"Attachment Sense: The Sensory Side of Attachment" workshop was developed over an adoption journey. It aims to enhance your understanding of our body’s sensory systems, and how this impacts on attachment and behaviour, to help children and their families

to grow and develop beyond developmental traumas.

The workshop is full of practical resources to help us to understand the significant impact that our sensory needs can have on behaviour and how we can use sensory regulation principles to help us to cope with life's challenges. 

AdaptObiliTy also provides practical workshops on creating your children's

Life Story Books to ensure that it supportively tells their story and values their life.

Their Life Story Book should respect and honour them on their journey and

give them a sense of identity and security in their forever homes. 

AdaptObiliTy can empower adoptive parents to create

your own Life Story Books for your children.

The workshop is packed with useful ideas and tips to support

your Life Story Work with your children.

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Professional Services

Learn more about AdaptObiliTy's services provided below. 
Please contact AdaptObiliTy if you would like to know more about what support is on offer.

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"DIY Life Story Books" Workshops

From Adopter to Adopter

A half day workshop full of practical tips and advice on how to develop your own children's Life Story Books. To empower you to create a powerful tool of understanding and support of your adopted child's journey to you.
Comprehensive Handout included that has many practical tips and ideas to develop an effective Life Story Book for you and your family.

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"Attachment Sense: The Sensory Side
of Attachment" Workshops

From OT & Adopter to Adopters,
Special Guardians, Foster Carers and Professionals

A day's workshop filled with information on understanding the sensory side of how our bodies react to stress and how sensory regulation strategies can help us to regulate our own and our children's bodies and behaviours to develop a positive sense of self and wellbeing. Comprehensive Handout included that is packed with sensory information and resources for all ages.

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Feedback from Life Story Books Work

"Brilliant! What an awesome job you’ve done.

I hope you’re writing a book."

Feedback from Sensory Workshops:

“Very interesting topic. You are very knowledgeable and make the topic accessible.”

"Loved it - great course. Recognised my daughter so much!"

“All of it useful, relevant and interesting

– Best training I have done for some time.”

“Excellent presentation and interactive trainer!

Many Thanks.”

“Absolutely fantastic. Will be such a help to my working with families. Will rave about it!"

"Extremely interesting and helpful workshop. Thank you!"

“Thank you. It was brilliant. Extremely useful. Absolutely fantastic.”

“This is one of the best enlightening courses I’ve been on so far from my adoption agency.”

“Your knowledge on the subject was fantastic and came through along with your passion!”

“Brilliant!! Very knowledgeable as a professional

and an adoptive parent.”

“Very confident and engaging delivery with lots of good examples weaved in. Thank you.”

“Very thorough. Great handout and loads

of excellent information.”

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Price List

"Attachment Sense: The Sensory Side of Attachment" Workshop

£45 per person or

£80 per couple 

One day workshop loaded with information on sensory needs and regulation with a wide range of sensory ideas and resources to help regulate parents and children. Comprehensive handout included.

"DIY Life Story Books" Workshop

£25 per person or
£45 per couple

Half day workshop full of practical ideas and tips on creating your own children's Life Story Books that honour their journey to you. Information to support their understanding of their past and feel secure and loved in their forever homes. Comprehensive handout included with tips and advice to create a meaningful book for you and your family.

"Can-Do Coping Cards" Set

£9.50 per set, incl. P&P in UK

30 x 4"x 4" self regulation laminated picture cards bound with a metal ring.

Small index cards with images and short sentences of 30 sensory regulation coping skills.

A reminder of what sensory regulating strategies can be used when feeling stressed and anxious

to help our bodies to calm down.

Available through Esty:

Home: Price List

Upcoming Events

  • "DIY Life Story Books" Workshop
    "DIY Life Story Books" Workshop
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Half Day Workshop to leant to create your own children's Life Story Books.
  • "Attachment Sense: The Sensory Side of Attachment" Workshop
    "Attachment Sense: The Sensory Side of Attachment" Workshop
    Thu, 27 Feb
    Canada Water Library
    27 Feb 2020, 09:30 – 15:30
    Canada Water Library, 21 Surrey Quays Rd, Rotherhithe, London SE16 7AR, UK
    27 Feb 2020, 09:30 – 15:30
    Canada Water Library, 21 Surrey Quays Rd, Rotherhithe, London SE16 7AR, UK
    One day Workshop to understand and use sensory knowledge to support you and your children.
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Get in Touch

Questions, comments or requests?

Please feel free to get in touch.

AdaptObiliTy welcomes hearing from you.

Caireen McGlashan

Children's Occupational Therapist & Adopter

Based in South East London

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